Ferentillo is located in Valnerina, at the confluence of the creek Jump Blind in the Nera. The town is dominated by two fourteenth-century castles, Precetto and Matterella. It was a mighty barrier to defend the valley, an important communication node.
The city was most likely born in 742 at the behest of King Liutprando, Lombard, struggling with the Duke of Spoleto, which did pass the city's population of Ferentum, near Viterbo. Indeed the city's name derives from the Latin Ferentum illi which means precisely those from Ferento. The city followed the events of the nearby Abbey of San Pietro in Valle, built in 720 by Faroaldo II, Lombard Duke of Spoleto, which expanded the church founded by the hermit John and Lazarus in 535. First free city, then under the rule of Cybo and Ancaiani, fought against Montefranco and Spoleto. The feud Abbey has tried to become independent from the Duchy of Spoleto is the Chapter of the Lateran, the territory became a small state in 1484, thanks to Pope Innocent VIII who appointed first Lord Cybo his nephew Franceschetto Cybo. The latter married Mary Magdalene de Medici and in 1515 his son, Lorenzo Cibo, married Ricciarda Malaspina thus uniting Ferentillo to the Principality of Massa Carrara and Piombino. Thanks to the patronage of this distinguished family, Ferentillo gained importance not only culturally but also socio-politically, because in 1563 the prince Alberico Cibo Malaspina signed a treaty that guarantees the independence of the territory from any interference both ecclesiastical and of the city of Spoleto. A free and sovereign principality, with its laws and its own statutes, STATUS FERENTILLO SERENISSIMA DUCIS MASSAI CYBO, which lasted until 1730, when Alderano Cybo sold it to Nicola Benedetti and Montecchio of Fano. In 1847 Pope Pius IX gave the Prince of Montolon conferring the title of Prince of Umbria and precepts. Ferentillo became common in 1860 with the unification of Italy.
Accomodations in Ferentillo:
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Frazioni of Ferentillo: Ampognano, Castellonalto, Castellone Basso, Colle Olivo, Colli, Gabbio, Leazzano, Le Mura, Lorino, Macchialunga, Macelletto, Macenano, Terria, Monterivoso, Nicciano, Sambucheto, San Mamiliano
This beautiful land is still able to keep alive the spirit of quality food and good wine.