Cascia is a charming town in Umbria, surrounded by extraordinary environments and high-impact areas. It ranks as one of the major tourist destinations in the region, both for its materialistic aspect with churches and palaces, and for the most abstract related to spirituality and religion.
Considering the astonishing beauty of the architecture and buildings, it is impossible not to mention the Umbrian town as one of the must for tourism and culture; the center offers interesting and exciting ideas for one day to discover the history and culture of Umbria and the hidden wonders in this small town.
Cascia is located to the south-eastern region, putting himself in the territory of Perugia; it rises to a height of 653 meters above sea level, displaying a wide variety of views and ancient monuments , characterized as a feature of deep honor for the city and throughout Umbria.
We suggest a walk through the heart of the town, where you will be able to get the chance to see the hidden palaces and churches.
Among the churches that we can mention the Church of St. Augustine, built in the upper part of the city, the Church of San Francesco, custodian of a valuable fresco of Madonna Enthroned between St. Francis and St. Clare, the Collegiate Church of Santa Maria within which are preserved frescoes and paintings of great relevance and quality, the Church of Sant'Antonio Abate , built in the thirteenth century and the Basilica and the Monastery of Santa Rita whose construction dates back to 1900.
The Umbrian town is home to some wonderful and charming buildings, such as the Villa di San Silvestro, just outside the ruins of an archaic pagan temple dated around the second century BC, the Museo di Palazzo Comunale Saints, and the Palazzo Carli, which now houses the library.
There have been several earthquakes which have affected the country in history, some resulting in tragic outcomes for the homes and monuments, however Cascia currently holds a wonderful treasure trove of art and culture of the Middle Ages, managing to fit in among the places most beautiful and charming Umbria.
Accomodations in Cascia:
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Frazioni of Cascia: Atri, Avendita, Buda, Capanne di Roccaporena, Castel San Giovanni, Castel Santa Maria, Cerasola, Chiavano, Civita, Colforcella, Collegiacone, Colle di Avendita, Colle Santo Stefano, Colmotino, Coronella, Fogliano, Logna, Maltignano, Manigi, Ocosce, Onelli, Opagna, Palmaiolo, Poggio Primocaso, Puro, Roccaporena, San Giorgio, Santa Anatolia, Tazzo, Trognano, Villa San Silvestro, Santa Trinità, Fustagna, Piandoli, Giappiedi, Capanne di Collegiacone, Sciedi, Serviglio, Valdonica
This beautiful land is still able to keep alive the spirit of quality food and good wine.